Couples, roommates, family, friends — join the Social Committee online to learn a new two-player game.
During this free event, we’ll learn a tafl strategy game from India. You will need 8 game pieces: 7 of one color and 1 of another color. (Game pieces may include items such as checkers, pennies or dimes, chips, M&Ms, buttons, etc.)
Only one OLLI member needs to sign up. Your game partner does not need to also sign up or be an OLLI member. Once you sign up, you will receive your Zoom link to share with your partner. No one in-house who will play? No problem. Invite a friend to play remotely. Just forward your Zoom link to your game partner and you can both sign in from your own homes. No one to invite? No problem. Sign up solo and we will pair you with another solo player.
You will see all the game rules on the screen as you are playing. After the session is over, you will receive an email with the game rules.