When: August 29, 2022, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Penn State York, Main Classroom Building, York, PA
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OLLI’s Social Committee has planned a time for everyone to come together, enjoy various ethnic/cultural food, play board games, and get to know other OLLI members.
The Open House portion of the event will be from 11:00 a.m. to noon. Prospective members can learn about OLLI and meet OLLI staff and volunteers.
After lunch, stay for board games. Some will be provided, but feel free to bring your own.
Cost: Free (registration required)
If a current member brings a guest and that guest becomes a new member that day, the current OLLI member will receive a complimentary one-session OLLI course.
Guests can only pay for a new membership with a personal check. Credit cards and cash are not accepted. You will not be able to go online immediately and register yourself for courses because your account will show a balance due for your membership fee. You will need to wait for the check to be applied to your account by the noncredit registration office at University Park which could take a week or longer. To avoid the wait you can register for your classes at the open house and include the payment in the check with your membership fee.