OLLI at Penn State York member Pat McGrath earned her York County Parks Passport Award for hiking 50 miles in the York County Park system. Patti Baughman, leader of OLLI’s hiking Special Interest Group (SIG), presented Pat with a certificate and pin on December 31, 2021. Thirteen other OLLI hiking members joined Pat on December 31, helping her celebrate her award.

Back row (L to R): Mindy Inners, Bob Inners, Julie Stevenson, Karen Ann Smith, Patti Baughman
OLLI York currently has four SIGs, which include hiking, cycling, Spouses Speak, and knitting. A creative writing SIG is currently being developed. SIGs often begin with an OLLI course that brings members together who share similar interests. Participation is free to OLLI members, the agenda/scheduled outings are agreed upon by SIG members, and OLLI members can join a SIG at any time. Learn more about OLLI SIGS!